Masala Chai

Masala Chai Recipe - AR Masale - Masale Tea

Masala Chai

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Masala Chai also known as Masala Tea is a brewing flavorful and spicy-sweet tea. We'll see how to make this tea within 5 minutes using AR Masale's Chai Masala
Course Drinks
Total Time 5 minutes
Servings 2 people
Cost INR 10


  • 1 Pan / Pot


  • 1.25 cup Water
  • 2 tbsp Black Tea Powder
  • 1 tbsp AR Chai Masala
  • 2 tbsp Sugar
  • 0.75 cup Milk


  • Take 1-1.25 Cup measurement of Water and get it to a half-boil stage
  • Add 2 tablespoons of Black Tea Powder. You can check out great quality unique Black Teas at our partners, Chai with CEOs
  • Once the Tea has taken a slight boil, add 1 tablespoon of Chai Masala and wait for a couple of minutes
  • Add sugar according to your requirement here. We recommend maximum 2 tablespoons. Let it come to a bubbling boil
  • Add 3/4 Cup of Milk and wait until it comes to a rolling boil. Then simmer it to a low or medium flame. Simmering helps the Tea to thicken. When you see a small layer of milk cream on top or the tea inflate, that's when you turn off the stove
  • Filter this Masala Chai into serving cups, and its done!

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